Tuesday, January 20, 2009

what is Dyslexia? what we must know about it?...

Taken from wikipedia.org “Dyslexia is...” [at] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disability that manifests primarily as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction.

Evidence also suggests that dyslexia results from differences in how the brain processes written and/or spoken language. Although dyslexia is thought to be the result of a neurological difference, it is not an intellectual disability. Dyslexia has been diagnosed in people of all levels of intelligence.

Variations and related conditions

Dyslexia is a learning disability. It has many underlying causes that are believed to be a brain-based condition that influences the ability to read written language. It is identified in individuals who fail to learn to read in the absence of a verbal or nonverbal intellectual impairment, sensory deficit (e.g., a visual deficit or hearing loss), pervasive developmental deficit or a frank neurological impairment.

The following conditions may also be contributory or overlapping factors, or underlying cause of the dyslexic symptoms as they can lead to difficulty reading:

  1. Auditory processing disorder is a condition that affects the ability to encode auditory information. It can lead to problems with auditory working memory and auditory sequencing. Many dyslexics have auditory processing problems including history of auditory reversals. Auditory processing disorder is recognized as one of the major causes of dyslexia.
  2. Cluttering is a speech fluency disorder involving both the rate and rhythm of speech, and resulting in impaired speech intelligibility. Speech is erratic and dysrhythmic, consisting of rapid and jerky spurts that usually involve faulty phrasing. The personality of the clutterer bears striking resemblance to the personalities of those with learning disabilities.
  3. Dyspraxia is a neurological condition characterized by a marked difficulty in carrying out routine tasks involving balance, fine-motor control, and kinesthetic coordination. Problems with short term memory and organization are typical of dyspraxics. This is most common in dyslexics who also have attention deficit disorder.
  4. Verbal dyspraxia is a neurological condition characterized by marked difficulty in the use of speech sounds, which is the result of an immaturity in the speech production area of the brain.
  5. Dysgraphia is a disorder which expresses itself primarily during writing or typing, although in some cases it may also affect eye-hand coordination in such direction or sequence oriented processes as tying knots or carrying out a repetitive task. Dysgraphia is distinct from Dyspraxia in that the person may have the word to be written or the proper order of steps in mind clearly, but carries the sequence out in the wrong order.
  6. Dyscalculia is a neurological condition characterized by a problem with learning fundamentals and one or more of the basic numerical skills. Often people with this condition can understand very complex mathematical concepts and principles but have difficulty processing formulas and even basic addition and subtraction.
  7. Scotopic sensitivity syndrome, also known as Irlen Syndrome, is a term used to describe sensitivity to certain wavelengths of light which interfere with proper visual processing. See also Orthoscopics and asfedia.


Strengths of Creative Thinkers *

Many people with learning differences of Dyslexia and ADD are capable of some extraordinary

thinking and can be extremely successful once they learn some coping strategies. This is why

we prefer to call them, more appropriately, Creative Thinkers. Some of the Creative Thinkers

strengths are:

  • Persistence,
  • Concentration,
  • Perception,
  • Vivid imagination,
  • Creativity,
  • Drive and ambition,
  • Curiosity,
  • Thinking in pictures instead of words,
  • Superior reasoning,
  • Capable of seeing things differently from others,
  • Love of complexity,
  • Simultaneous multiple thought processing,
  • Quickly mastering new concepts, and
  • Not following the Crowd.

Most people who are not dyslexic and rate low on the scale of Creative Thinking, are verbal learners, based on word acquisition by hearing. Verbal learning is limited to the speed of a person’s speech. This auditory information goes into the conscious mind, so that the non-dyslexic person is aware of the information.

Thinking and learning in pictures rather than words is thousands of times faster, and is subliminal, going directly into the subconscious mind. This visual learning style is what a Creative Thinker uses. The acquisition of information as pictures create an immense amountof multi-dimensional information, that can be manipulated in many forms by the brain to enable intuitive thinking, perception, and other interesting thought processes.

Frequently this learning style leads to thought delays, because of the tremendous amounts of information processed.

Unusual Abilities of Some Creative Thinkers

Although each Creative Thinker is distinctly different in their mental capabilities, some of these abilities can be evidence of the intellectual and creative powers of a genius waiting to be unlocked. Imagine feeling that someone is behind you before you can see or hear them. Some Creative Thinkers have mental abilities that go well beyond this common phenomena and approach the supernatural. Examples include:

  • Controlling the perception of time, causing it to operate in slow motion or rapidly,
  • Doing complex math in their head quickly; but not knowing how they did it,
  • Seeing a solution from a mental examination of the components, such as projecting interest rates for investments, or creating a new computer chip,
  • Communicating telepathically with others, or
  • Controlling the outcome of events, like calling the correct numbers on dice before they are rolled.

Although not all Creative Thinkers possess these talents, extrasensory perceptions like these represent abilities that are uniquely valuable to some; but ludicrous to others who do not understand the learning and mental processing differences of making effective use of the right side of the brain by Creative Thinkers.

Some of the Successful People Who Admit That They Are
Dyslexic or ADD Include:

Tom Cruise – Actor, Jay Leno - Television personality (Tonight Show ), Thomas Edison – Inventor, Albert Einstein – Inventor, Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister, WWII, George Bush- Former US President, George Patton - US General, WWII, George Burns – Comedian, Whoopi Goldberg - Actress, Danny Glover Actor, Cher - Actress, Singer

At that point, we can see why most of it is more important person in the worlds had an dyslexia ?

Answer : Maybe an dyslexia subject are a visionaries or maybe high intelligent person... or double personality being..

SOURCE: “The Many Facets of Dyslexia”

Some Common Traits Associated with the Learning Differences of Dyslexia and ADD

Each person is different and will have a unique combination of the common traits listed below.

1. Thinks visually.
2. Daydreams.
3. Easily distractible.
4. Aware of everything.
5. Able to do multiple things at the same time.
6. Seeks stimulation.
7. Highly creative.
8. Immature social behavior, says what comes to mind.
9. Poor penmanship.
10. Difficulty remembering names.
11. Seeks immediate gratification.
12. Impulsive and impatient.
13. Suffers from motion sickness.
14. Can see patterns into the future.
15. Capable of intense short-term focus.
16. Quick decision maker.
17. Bored by ordinary tasks.
18. Risk taker.
19. Have had problems with ears.
20. More independent than a team player.
21. Sees the big picture.
22. Curious.
23. Experience thoughts as reality.
24. Subject to disorientation.
25. Sometimes has psychic - extrasensory abilities.
26. Highly intuitive.
27. Short attention span, inattentive.
28. Has a vivid imagination.
29. Artistic.
30. Has a sense of under achievement.
31. Have spatial orientation problems (left/right, north/south)
32. Talks excessively.
33. Reverses letters and numbers.
34. Slow reader when young.
35. Difficulty with math concepts.
36. Problems with self-esteem.
37. Problems mastering phonics and spelling.
38. Problems understanding the rules of grammar.
39. Reads best by memorizing, the “Look-Say System.”
40. Always active-constantly thinking,
41. Learns best by hands on, rather than lecture or reading.
42. Low tolerance for frustration.
43. Realize that they are different from others.
44. Take longer to think and respond than others.
45. Able to create a complete mental picture from pieces.
46. Somewhat disorganized.
47. Capable of changing on a moment’s notice.
48. Have phobias: like fear of dark, heights, speaking in public.
49. Prefer unstructured situations with freedom.
50. Feels like they see problems from the perspective of a helicopter flying above forests of problems rather than working from the root of trees in one forest.
51. See things that others don’t.

i will add some more about dyslexia and comment about it on the next wrote....

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009




Autistic Spectrum Disorder is a complex, pervasive developmental disability, which seems to stem from a multi-faceted origin and causes disturbances in the brain. Estimates of prevalence vary greatly. Recent small scale, but intensive studies give higher numbers than earlier ones, this being due to the criteria for autistic disorders having been considerably widened over the years. The highest estimates for the whole spectrum, range from around 40 to around 90 per 10 000 births, but the true figures are still being investigated. ASD affects 4 times as many boys as girls and of all the developmental disorders, ASD is the most researched and validated syndrome.

Asperger Syndrome is a manifestation of autism found on the Autistic Spectrum. This condition presents with a more subtle display of difficulties, yet has enough distinct features to be classified separately.

An issue which sets the person with Asperger Syndrome apart from those affected by the more well known forms of autism, is that there are usually minimal learning disabilities, to the contrary, people with Asperger Syndrome often have average or even above average intelligence. Because of this factor, with the right support, these children can often be successfully integrated into mainstream education. Many adults with Asperger Syndrome do lead independent lives, whilst others will require lifelong supervision and services.

Research undertaken by Dr Christopher Gillberg (1991), implies that Asperger Syndrome affects 36 per 10 000 of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and interestingly, the ratio of boys to girls is 10:1, whereas with the other forms of autism, the ratio is 4:1.

Diagnosis and Assessment:

As with any form of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, there is no physical test available to confirm the suspected diagnosis. Due to the multifaceted nature of Asperger Syndrome, only a thorough and informed observation by a multidisciplinary team, well versed in the presentation of Asperger Syndrome and with reference to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD10,World Health Organisation 1992) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition (DSM IV, American Psychiatric Association 1994) can lead to an accurate diagnosis.

In 1989, Dr Christopher Gillberg formulated the following criteria for the possible diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome:-

1. Severe Impairment in Reciprocal Social Interaction (At least two of the following)

1. inability to interact with peers;

2. lack of desire to interact with peers;

3. lack of appreciation of social cues;

4. socially and emotionally inappropriate behaviour.

2. All-absorbing narrow interests (At least one of the following)

1. exclusion of other activities;

2. repetitive adherence;

3. more rote than meaning.

3. Imposition of routines and interests (At least one of the following)

1. on self, in aspects of life;

2. on others.

4. Speech and language problems (At least 3 of the following):

1. delayed development of speech;

2. superficially, perfect expressive language;

3. formal, pedantic language;

4. odd prosody, peculiar voice characteristics;

5. impairment of comprehension, including misinterpretations of literal/implied meanings;

5. Non-verbal communication problems (At least one of the following)

1. limited use of gestures;

2. clumsy/gauche body language;

3. limited facial expression;

4. inappropriate expression;

5. peculiar, stiff gaze.

6. Motor Clumsiness, poor performance on neuro developmental examination

All six criteria must be met for confirmation of diagnosis

As for all people on the Autistic Spectrum, those affected by Asperger Syndrome are most definitely affected by the “Triad of Impairments”, namely:-

1. Impairment in language and communication

2. Impairment in social interaction

3. Impairment in imagination and flexible thought processes

I. Language and Communication

People with Asperger Syndrome differ from those affected by “childhood autism” as defined by Leo Kanner, in that they usually have fewer problems with language, often presenting with a substantial vocabulary, but their speech is often pedantic and stereotyped in content.

On close observation, it will also be noted that even whilst their speech is fluent, there is minimal notice of the reaction from the person who they are talking to, nor interest in the verbal response given to them. In addition, there is a definite impediment in non-verbal communication skills.

Often speech seems to lack expression and tone differentiation and also the person with Asperger Syndrome, struggles to understand other people’s emphasis on words or altered tones, used to specifically convey a certain message.

The use or understanding of body language, facial expressions and gestures is impeded, resulting in their understanding of communication being very literal.

II. Social Interaction

The person with Asperger Syndrome will be noted to be socially insular and apparently not concerned about this issue. There is a lack of understanding regarding the emotional aspect of friendships. The person with Asperger Syndrome will want to establish friendships, but they will lack the ability to develop and sustain such relationships. Anxiety and tension increases with greater demands for social skills. An inability to read social cues is pronounced.

III. Imagination and flexibility of thought

Often you will come across most capable skills and an obsessive fascination in dealing with facts and figures, yet there is a poor, or absent understanding of abstract or jargon.

Due to the confusing presentation of abilities and the presence of a good intelligence and speech, the public often take it for granted that these people can understand abstract and commonly known jargon. A comment such as “I nearly died laughing” can cause great anxiety and fear for a person with Asperger Syndrome.

A strong rote memory is frequently noted, which is extremely beneficial and is one of the reasons these people do exceptionally well in subjects which focus on facts and figures.

But a resistance to change, an obsessive demand for the preservation of sameness and the strong adherence to repetitive activities, can adversely affect their progress in life.

There is usually an inability to be able to think and play creatively, as well as a problem in transferring skills from one environment to another.

“Theory of Mind” Impairment and “Mind Blindness”

When trying to modify and alter or modify the behaviours of a person with Asperger Syndrome, it is imperative to consider the “Theory of Mind” Impairment. Theory of Mind can be explained as one’s ability to be able to consider and understand other people’s

thoughts and feelings, as this skill plays a major role in our interaction with others. For the person with Asperger Syndrome, this skill is severely impeded, resulting in the following difficulties:-

1. inability to predict the possible behaviours of others, which can lead to the person with Asperger Syndrome developing a sense of insecurity and a resultant avoidance of people;

2. Not being able to comprehend the intentions of those around him, nor understanding the motivations of their actions;

3. A lack of understanding concerning their own emotions or the emotions of others. This can manifest as a lack of empathy, which is often not accepted or understood by the people within their social circle;

4. Poor comprehension of how one’s behaviour affects how others feel and think about you. This can lead to a lack of motivation to please and a lack of conscience;

5. Minimal understanding/concern regarding what people know or want to know and a defective ability to detect or react to their audience’s level of interest This can result in either, the person with Asperger Syndrome speaking endlessly on a subject providing excessive detail, or else providing minimal background material, but just launching into a complex verbal account of a subject that the audience has no knowledge of, or interest in;

6. Minimal understanding as to why their focus of attention must change, whether it be in a conversation or in a classroom setting etc. For instance, if the person with Asperger Syndrome is concentrating on a specific task or talking to you on a chosen topic and you want to move on to another task, or alter the topic of conversation;

7. Due to the impediment in the area of social interaction, there is often a lack of understanding as regards the need to “take turns” in conversation and allowing others to talk without interruption, or the need to take takes turns in the playground etc;

8. Inadequate understanding of the action of “pretending” and an inability to separate fact from fiction, or the ability to be deceitful, is often present.

All of the above, adversely affect the person’s ability to establish and maintain friendships. These areas of impediment also affect their ability to benefit from daily life, learning and teaching.

A certain amount of social skills can be “taught” to the person with Asperger Syndrome, but it is highly unlikely that these skills can ever be internalised naturally. Because of the “Mind Blindness” experienced by a person with Asperger Syndrome, the learning of these skills is extremely difficult and stressful, as it is not “factual”; it cannot be seen nor explained on paper. Also, it is difficult for the parents, friends, teachers etc. to teach these skills, which they never had to “learn” themselves.

Intervention strategies

To ensure that the individual with Asperger Syndrome reaches their full potential, it is important to identify their strengths & weaknesses, then build on these with effective intervention strategies:-

1. Remember that you will not be effective if you only focus on the superficial behaviours, without consideration being given to the Triad of Impairments and Mind Blindness;

2. There will need to be a large portion of time allocated to specifically teaching social skills, such as taking turns, standing in line, not interrupting conversations etc;

3. You will have to point out and emphasise to the person with Asperger Syndrome, the effects their behaviours and actions have on other people. You cannot take it for granted that is obvious to them. Also follow this up by guiding them towards changing their behaviour accordingly;

4. A person with Asperger Syndrome does not easily pick up cues from the context, so make sure your communication is clear and concise, so that it is fully understood by the recipient

5. Help the person with Asperger Syndrome to learn to identify emotions in other people, by encouraging awareness and understanding of facial expressions and gestures, and by teaching them the corresponding physical, visual and auditory cues;

6. Should you notice anxiety or inappropriate responses, then interpret and explain the situations to the person with Asperger Syndrome;

7. Due to the fixation on certain topics of interest, establish that the person is actually aware of the whole situation and that they have taken all the details into account;

8. Talk to siblings and peers and guide them as how to understand and accept the social interaction from the person with Asperger Syndrome;

9. Establish and be aware of the sources of rigid and/or compulsive behaviours and do not feed into them;

10. Anticipate what will cause anxiety and if possible remove these trigger points.


1. Maintain simple language and keep facial expressions and gestures to the minimum;

2. Remember to communicate with a person with Asperger Syndrome at their communication level, rather than at their language level;

3. Give one instruction at a time and wait for the person to respond;

4. Address the person by their name and try to establish eye contact before giving an instruction. This will ensure that you have their attention prior to the commencement of the communication;

5. Introduce visual cues to enhance communication;

6. Be patient and sympathetic to their efforts to improve communication skills. Provide copious amounts of reward for positive efforts to communicate effectively;

7. Teach the person with Asperger Syndrome “stock” replies to everyday possible interactions;

Social interaction

It must be remembered that this area of impediment, is the root of the majority of the problems experienced by a person with Asperger Syndrome. This individual is not anti-social, but rather, almost “asocial”.

1. Bear in mind that regardless of the level of their academic abilities, the person with Asperger Syndrome is socially immature;

2. Give the person with Asperger Syndrome the “space” they may need from time to time. Sometimes the ongoing onslaught of people around them and the demand for correct social interaction, may cause a great deal of stress, thus “Time-out” must be respected;

3. Change of staff, or new people/peers may cause anxiety. Be aware that the person with Asperger Syndrome may need extra time to get used to these new people. Let him/her initiate the contact in their own time, rather than introducing these new people into their space immediately and without their consent;

4. Make sure that those involved in the daily life of an individual with Asperger Syndrome, have a full understanding of this condition;


1. Try to ensure consistency and if change is to occur, give the person with Asperger Syndrome good and repeated warning and guidance, then introduce any changes gradually;

2. Use visual cues to reinforce expected behaviours;

3. You will find it extremely hard to stop compulsive behaviour In most cases this is a futile exercise, so rather try to find a way to turn this obsession into something positive. Their desire to engage in compulsive behaviour can be used as a “reward system”, in that if they cooperate with class work etc, they are then allowed 10 minutes free time when they may engage in compulsive behaviours without any interruption;

4. Entering a battle of wills with a person with Asperger Syndrome creates a no-win situation. Remember that their difficulties as regards negotiating skills, imagination and empathy, is a display of their “Mind Blindness”, not just pure stubbornness;

5. The usual form of calming a person who is very upset or anxious, is to hold them, or go close to them, offering verbal reassurance. For a person with Asperger Syndrome, this can actually be the worst thing possible, probably causing further irritation and anxiety. Rather give them their required space, but letting them know that you are concerned and want to help in whatever form they need;

6. To decrease inappropriate behaviours and responses, try to create an environment which offers clarity, consistency and routine. A busy, changing and unpredictable environment will cause anxiety and confusion for a person with Asperger Syndrome.

7. When analysing inappropriate behaviour, try to look at the situation through the eyes of the person with Asperger Syndrome. If you try to analyse the problem from your personal viewpoint, you will not be able to establish the true trigger points.

8. Generally in society, we pick up the unwritten rules, knowing that they can change from setting to setting. For a person with Asperger Syndrome, this is exceptionally difficult for them to understand. Therefore setting definite rules and explaining them fully, will offer the person with Asperger Syndrome, secure boundaries and thus minimise anxiety and inappropriate behaviours;

9. When you are faced with a period of challenging behaviours and difficulties, try not to lose sight of the positive factors and strengths of this person. If you start feeling that you are fighting a losing battle, stop and focus on the positive aspects of the person and how to build constructively on these points;

10. Talk to other people about the behavioural problems you may be experiencing with a person with Asperger Syndrome. Often two minds are better than one and an objective opinion can be very worthwhile;

11. It might be worth keeping a record of daily behaviour patterns. This may well show what the trigger points are, that increase anxiety and inappropriate behaviours;

12. As with any type of inappropriate behaviours, it is positive reinforcement, as opposed to punishment or negative input, which brings the best results. In the case of a person with Asperger Syndrome, for instance, by allowing them to have time for obsessive habits or “hobbies”, can be used as a reinforcer of a period of good behaviour.


It is worthwhile joining various international associations and thus obtaining their regular publications. These organisations provide additional excellent resource centres.

Below we have listed varying international organisations whom we find very informative and helpful:-

* National Autistic Society - United Kingdom

393 City Road. London EC1V 1NG. England - Tel: 0944 20 7833 2299 Fax: 0944 20 7833 9666 - Website: http://www.oneworld.org/autism_uk/ E-mail: nas@nas.org.uk. This society produces the following magazines / journals:-“Communication Magazine” which is published 3 times per year;“Connect Newsletter” which will be published 4 times a year; “Autism, The International Journal of Research and Practise” - co-published with Sage 4 times per year;“The autistic spectrum - a handbook” which is published on an annual basis.This organisation also has a comprehensive publications list, listing books, videos and tapes that are available for purchase.

* Autism Europe

Avenue E. Van Becelaere 26b. Bte 21. B-1170. Bruxelles Belgique. Tel: + 32 2 675 75 05 Fax: + 32 2 675 72 70 E-mail: autisme.europe@arcadis.be. Website: http://www.autismeurope.arc.be

* Autism Society of America

7910 Woodmont Avenue. Suite 650. BETHESDA. MD 20814 USA Tel: 091 800 328 8476. Fax: 091 301 657 0869 Website: http://www.autism-society.org/

* Autism Research Institute

This institute is headed by Dr. Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. and is a most interesting resource centre. Dr Rimland focuses on a wide variety of treatment methods and is a great believer in dietary and vitamin therapy. The Institute’s monthly journal “Autism Research International” makes for most thought provoking reading.4182 Adams Avenue. SAN DIEGO CA 92116. USA. Tel: 091 619 281 7165 Fax: 091 619 563 6840. Web site: http://www.autism.com/ari

* Autism Society of North Carolina

This organisation has an extensive list of publications. 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230. Raleigh. NC 27605-1345. USA Tel: 091 919 743 0204. Fax: 091 919 743 0208. Web Page: www.autismsociety-nc.org

Recommended Publications:

1. Tony Attwood - Asperger’s Syndrome. A Guide for Parents and Professionals. This book covers the topic of Asperger Syndrome. Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998.

2. Lorna Wing - Asperger Syndrome: A Clinical Account.

This book covers the topic of Asperger Syndrome from a more clinical viewpoint. Published by The Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1992.

3. Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council; Asperger Syndrome - practical strategies for the classroom. Published by the National Autistic Society. UK. ISBN 1 899280 01 4

4. Val Cumine, Julia Leach and Gill Stevenson. Asperger Syndrome - A Practical Guide for teachers Published by David Fulton Publishers. London. ISBN 1-85346-499-6


Material for this brochure has been taken from the above four recommended publications.

Reprinted by permission of The Autism Societe of South Africa Jill Stacey

Note: The listing of resources is given on an information only basis. It is not to be construed as an endorsement by ADHD-AUTISM Writter of any of the profesionals, treatments, opinions, publications or products offered by those mentioned above

Recognize Autisms Better & 1st Aid for The Parents

Recognizing the Child Autisms?

Words for Autism at this time often be discussed, and the number incident autism children still continue to increase throughout the world. Currently haunting worries parents if our children speak late or do not behave in common, whether the child suffered autism? Or not? We need to know more about the children Autism.

Worries often arise if our children speak late or do not behave in common, whether the child suffered autism. Autism words at this time often be discussed, the events around the world continue to increase. Many of the autism particularly the light autism is still not detected and even often get the wrong diagnosis, or even going over diagnosis. it is of course very harmful for the child.

What is Autism?
Board and Heavy disorder, and indeed deeply affect children. Interference field include social interaction, communication, and behavior.

When early detection autism on the children?
Autism started to show symptoms to the child before reaching the age of 3 years, the most common symptoms clearly visible between the ages of 2 - 5 years.
In some cases, strange symptoms seen in the school.
Based on the more established research on boys than girls, Some of the tests to detect early suspicions autism can only be performed on infants aged up to 18 months

Watch and careful to Autism symptoms
Symptoms autism is different in quantity and quality, the infantile autism may show the classic symptoms of disorders in heavy degrees, but the other showed only mild symptoms only in part.
Difficulties that rises, some of these symptoms can be appear in normal children, only with the intensity and different quality.

Symptoms that consist of an autism
1. interference in the field of communication verbal and non verbal
• late or can not talks.
• Using the words that can not be understood by other people's language is often referred to as the planet language or as we known alien language (unknown verbal language)
• Didn’t understand and do not use the words in the main context for the appropriate language
• Talk is not commonly uses for communication
• Impersonate to someone or something, some children are very clever to copycating a songbook, tone, and words - he said it without any meaning
• Sometimes monotone talk like a robot
• even mimic face
• Acting like a deaf children, but when the child hear the sound that he interest it will react quickly

2. interference in the field of social interaction

• Reject or avoid to look in the face
• children to suffer from deafness
• Feeling not happy and declined it when he got an embraced.
• There is no effort to make the interaction with people
• When the child want something it will be interesting to grabs a hands to the nearest people and expect people to do something for him.
• When we come closer to begin a small play the child will exactly go away avoiding an persuasion
• Will not share joy with others
• Sometimes they are still close to other people, to eat or to sit in the lap, and then stand up without any show mimic
• Avoiding to interact to the others that in same age more evident than on the parents

3. interference in the behavior and Commonly child activity

• As does not understand how to play, playing very monotone and do the same repetitive movement - back to long - hours
• When you are happy to play one does not want to play another way and also strange behavior activity.
• Addicted to the some or particularly toys, the child can hold the toys continuously for long time
• There are objects with viscosity - a particular object, such as piece ropes, cards, paper, images that continue to be taken and held to go everywhere
• Frequently attention to their own fingers, a rotating fan, the moving water
• Often doing ritualistic behavior
• Children can be seen once hyperactive, for example, can not be silent and quietly sit, the child will fled here and there, jumping around, rotate and turn, repeatedly hitting an objects whether he like or dislike
• Often the child is too quiet and will very quiet (non ordinary quiet)

4.Disorder in the field of emotion and feeling

• There is no sense of empathy, or lack of empathy, for example see crying children do not feel pity, even feel disturbed, so that children who are crying and the child who got autism will go an get a hit to it
• laughing alone, crying, or angry because without a real matters
• Often does not restrained rage (temper tantrum), especially when not getting what he want, can even become aggressive and destructive

5. Interference in the perception sensoric

• Kissing or smelling, bite, or lick the toys or any object
• When the child hear a loud sound directly close eye
• Not feeling like and embrace, when it do tend to degenerate and escaping.
• Feeling uncomfortable when wearing clothing with certain material

What should you do?

Do not hesitate to consult a physician if you suspect one or more of the above symptoms in your child. But also do not fast to determine that your children as suspect of an autism.

Diagnosis and evaluate to the child should be handled by an experienced team of doctors, consisting of; doctor, child neurologist, psychologist, child development experts, a child psychiatrist, child communication therapy experts.

The team is responsible to uphold in the diagnosis and provide direction on the unique needs to the children, including the assistance of social interaction, play, behavior and communication.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Treatment and Therapy (sample and fact taken on cdc website)

No two people with ASDs are exactly alike. So, each person with an ASD needs a treatment program to meet his or her individual needs and the needs of his or her family. While there is not yet a cure for ASDs, early, intensive treatment can help children with the disorder reach their full potential. Acting early can make a big difference! For guidance on choosing a treatment program.

It is important to remember that children with ASDs can get sick or injured just like children without ASDs. Regular medical and dental exams should be part of a child’s intervention plan. Often it is hard to tell if a child’s behavior is related to the ASD or is caused by a separate health condition. For instance, head banging could be a symptom of the ASD, or it could be a sign that the child is having headaches. In those cases, a thorough physical exam is needed.

Even if your child has not been diagnosed with an ASD, he or she may be eligible for early intervention services. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) says that children under the age of 3 who are at risk of having substantial developmental delays may be eligible for services. These services are provided through an early intervention system in your state. Through this system, you can ask for an evaluation. To learn more about early intervention, click here National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities.

  1. Behavioral and Educational Interventions
  2. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  3. Dietary Changes
  4. Medications
  5. Additional Treatment Resources

Behavioral and Educational Interventions
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, educational interventions thought to help children with ASDs are those that provide structure, direction, and organization for the child. These interventions must be individualized to the child and take into account his or her overall developmental status and specific strengths and needs. To learn more about these treatments and interventions, including specific strategies used by physicians to treat ASDs, refer to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ report on diagnosing and managing ASDs.

The National Institute of Mental Health says that psychosocial and behavioral interventions are key parts of comprehensive treatment programs for children with autism. Some of the most common interventions include:

  • Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
    • Discrete trial training (DTT)
    • Early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI)
    • Incidental teaching
    • Pivotal response training (PRT)
    • Verbal behavior intervention (VBI)
  • Developmental, individual differences, relationship-based approach (DIR also called Floortime)
  • Relationship development intervention (RDI)
  • Treatment and education of autistic and communication- related handicapped children (TEAACH)

Therapies often used with those listed previously:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Sensory integration therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

For more information:

Complementary and Alternative Medicine
There is no known cure for autism. To relieve the symptoms of autism, some parents and providers may use treatments that are outside of what is typically recommended by their pediatrician. These types of treatments are known as complementary and alternative treatments or CAM. They may include special diets, chelation (a treatment to remove heavy metals like lead from the body), biologicals (e.g., secretin), or body-based systems (like deep pressure).

NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defines CAM as a group of different medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not part of conventional medicine. NCCAM divides complementary and alternative treatments into five categories:

  • Alternative medical systems (e.g., homeopathy or Chinese medicine)
  • Mind-body interventions (e.g., meditation, dance therapy, auditory integration)
  • Biologically based therapies (e.g., using herbs, foods, and vitamins)
  • Manipulative and body-based methods (e.g., deep pressure, craniosacral therapy)
  • Energy therapies (e.g., reiki, electromagnetic fields, etc.)

There have been efforts to develop a protocol for biomedical interventions for ASD. There are anecdotal reports of success with individual children; however, before this approach can be recommended as a standard treatment, more research is needed on the safety and effectiveness of the various treatments for a variety of people with ASD.

To learn more about CAM therapies, go to the NCCAM Get the Facts webpage.

These types of treatments are very controversial. Current research shows that as many as one third of children with autism may have tried complementary or alternative medicine treatments, and up to 10% may be using a potentially dangerous treatment.Before starting such a treatment, check it out carefully, and talk to your child’s health care professional.

Dietary Changes

If you are thinking about changing your child’s diet, talk to his or her health care professional first. Or talk with a nutritionist to be sure your child is getting the essential nutrients he or she needs.

Many biomedical interventions call for changes in diet. Such changes include removing certain types of foods from a child’s diet and using vitamin or mineral supplements. Dietary treatments are based on the idea that food allergies cause symptoms of autism or that the lack of a specific vitamin or mineral may cause some autistic symptoms. Some parents feel that changes in their child’s diet may make a difference in how the child feels or acts.

The National Institute of Mental Health, part of NIH, does studies to test how well various biomedical interventions work.

No medication can cure ASDs or treat the core symptoms that make up the disorder—that is, communication, social, and repetitive or unusual behaviors. But medications can help with some of the symptoms of autism in some people. For instance, medication might help with a person’s high energy levels, inability to focus, depression, or seizures. Also, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of risperidone (an antipsychotic drug) to treat 5- to 16-year-old children with ASDs who have severe tantrums, aggression, and self-injurious behavior.

Medications may not affect a person with an ASD in the same way they would affect another person. So, it is important to work with a health care professional who has experience treating people with ASDs. Also, parents must watch their child’s progress and reactions while he or she is taking a medication to be sure that the side effects of the treatment do not outweigh the benefits.

Here the link to find out more about medications and ASDs on the National Institute of Mental Health autism website.

Additional Treatment Resources

The Autism Treatment Network (ATN) seeks to create standards of medical treatment that will be made broadly available to physicians, researchers, parents, policy makers, and others who want to improve the care of individuals with autism. ATN is also developing a shared national medical database to record the results of treatments and studies at any of their five established regional treatment centers.

[1] Gupta, Vidya Bhushan. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. New York Medical College and Columbia University, 2004. Pediatric Habilitation, volume 12.

[2] National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine http://nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/#1. Accessed 2006.

[3] Levy, S. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, December 2003; vol 24: pp 418-423. News release, Health Behavior News Service.